Austin & Lily Curriculum was custom- designed for K-12 students and adults with an intellectual disability
We thought this through and created everything so that you don’t have to.
3 Book Formats
There is a printable version of the book, an e-book, and a teacher e-book (ideal for projecting).
Printable Activities
This unit comes with 32 printable worksheets. The activities address content topics, basic skills, background knowledge, common IEP goals, and are aligned with language arts standards.
2 PowerPoint Presentations
Each presentation provides visuals to facilitate a conversation with students. The focus of each presentation varies. Some develop background knowledge, aid comprehension of a concept, teach a skill, or guide an activity. All of the presentations, however, develop vocabulary, speech, and language.
Main Idea Cards
Each page of the book has a Main Idea that is in bold to help students learn the concept being taught on that page. The cards promote conversation and study skills. They come in two formats: picture and written.
Vocabulary Flashcards
Each book has four vocabulary words. The flashcards are a study tool.
Reading Match
Four sight words are identified in each unit. Emergent readers continue to work on reading with these flashcards. The words we select are significant for that unit.
Lesson Plan
A custom-made unit plan to address the flexible planning needs of instructors working with students with intellectual disabilities. Each page of the book has a plan.
Data Collection Instrument
This tool tracks academic growth and assists with progress reports and creating appropriate IEP goals.
Technology Connection
Technology suggestions are provided and can be used with all units.
Cultural Literacy:
Luxury items, strike, origin of Labor Day, Labor Day sales, 3 day weekend, railroad workers, President Cleveland, using military, Pullman Palace Car Company, concept that not everyone gets paid the same amount of money, concept of fairness, concept of financial problems causing things to change, some holidays honor a group of people.
The concept of rich versus working class and striking due to unfair practices.
Speech & Listening:
Each page of the lesson plan identifies engagement topics to ask questions about. Students discuss information and ask questions related to the main idea for each page. The presentations included offer suggestions for discussions.
Language Arts:
The printable worksheets are aligned with Common Core Standards.
Functional Skills:
Labor Day, 3-day weekends, things to do on a long weekend, luxury items
strike, luxury, financial, Labor Day
Note from Jana Barrett, MS, CCC-SLP
The Austin and Lily curriculum is the perfect platform for speech therapists to use to target and improve speech and language skills. The books, worksheets, and presentations all focus on a variety of listening and speaking skills that can be directly targeted through speech and language therapy by a speech and language pathologist (SLP). Specific Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals such as articulation, vocabulary, auditory comprehension, expression, social skills, and augmentative and alternative communication are easily worked on through this curriculum.
Every book in the Austin and Lily series targets a specific high interest topic using a variety of teaching methods and visuals. Each book targets specific vocabulary, main idea, questions, expressive language, and reading skills. These can easily be adapted to target speech and language IEP goals while using the classroom curriculum. This encourages and increases the amount of carryover of learned skills from direct speech and language therapy to the classroom. This curriculum easily supports the push-in therapy model as well, in which an SLP provides therapy services in the classroom while co-teaching with the teacher. This benefits the students, as they are receiving and being reinforced with instruction from both professionals. This also increases the teacher’s carryover of certain strategies to support speech and language students’ goals in the classroom.
Austin and Lily is a comprehensive curriculum that is a convenient way for SLPs to work on specific goals while reinforcing classroom content. This program is organized with many available resources, taking away the long planning time that can go into each speech and language session. Worksheets and data sheets are provided for ease of data collection. Targeting goals, increasing skills, measuring progress, and assessing for new goals are easily done through this curriculum. SLPs will be satisfied with the convenience of this curriculum for use during speech and language therapy.
A Real Student Experience
Information to learn, Assignments to practice, Flashcards to study, and a Final Exam to assess.
Our materials and lesson plans were designed using best practices for students with an intellectual disability. They were designed to not only provide access to general education curriculum, but for students to actually learn it. To truly learn material, and file it in long-term memory, students with an intellectual disability need instruction that addresses their executive functioning impairments. This can’t be emphasized enough. People can not remember or use information that they never understood.
Our lesson plan outlines how to talk to students about the material so that they learn and develop to their potential. All of our printable worksheets are related to the book and address language arts standards. We also embed functional skills, problem solving, choice-making, and self-determination into each unit.
Our PowerPoint presentations enhance comprehension, build background knowledge, and/ or teach a new skill. All of them, however, address speech and language development to improve conversational skills. We provide notes on the slides to assist with facilitating a discussion with your student(s).
Note: At times a video link is provided in the lesson plan. We know that sometimes links change and then don’t work. If that happens, simply do a video search on the net to find another one. Be sure to preview videos and determine where you want to start and stop ahead of time. Only show as much as is needed to provide the visual you were looking for. Let me know if a link doesn’t work, so we can find a new one.
The good news, is that teaching this material is fun and easy.
In the 6 minute video below, I go over how to use the materials. That is all it takes to get started!
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